Video Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahandi Rajapaksa resigned on Monday May 9, after weeks of demonstrations. Part of the population now demands the departure of his brother, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, president of the country.
by (with reuters)
“The Gotabaya Rajapaka regime is corrupt,” says Osha de Silva, in the procession of demonstrators on Monday, May 9. This employee in the hotel industry bitterly notes that this corruption, which she denounces, deprives her fellow citizens “of basic health establishments”.
For several months, Sri Lanka has been in the grip of an economic crisis linked, in particular, to the collapse of tourism caused by the Pandemic of Covid-19. This crisis became political in the spring, with the call to resign from the Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahandi Rajapaka, obtained on May 9. Part of the opponents of the power in place now call on the start of the Sri Lankan president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, brother of the deposed head of government.
Eight people were killed in clashes between supporters of the power in place and opponents, according to an assessment drawn up on Wednesday 11 May. More than 200 injured were identified. The head of the opposition, Rajith Premasada, describes these clashes “of state terrorism”.