These second degree teachers, volunteers, will be able to replace, at a distance through videoconferences, colleagues absent in establishments where contract workers are lacking.
Distance education has appeared as an appeal in time of COVID-19. Can it be a remedy when teachers are missing? The Nancy-Metz Academy intends to answer this question by implementing, on an experimental basis, an “digital replacement brigade”: seven second degree teachers, all volunteers, all assigned in a college or a high school “at the nearest from home “, will be able to replace, at a distance through videoconferences, colleagues absent in establishments where contract workers are lacking, explains in the entourage of the rector Jean-Marc Huart.
Equipped with computer equipment provided by their employer, these “videos” can intervene in several classes, according to needs, being helped by education assistants also recruited for the occasion and responsible, on site, to monitor students.
This test ball, planned over two years, concerns the absences of short durations and the disciplines which encounter the most difficulty in recruiting (German, mathematics, etc.). Ditto of the territories concerned-“very rural areas, very isolated where it becomes complicated to move candidates, we explain to the rectorate. Our priority is to ensure the continuity of the public education service”.
union reserves
Two years of health crisis have raised the subject to the rank of priority: in his “new pact” proposed to teachers, for this second five -year term, Emmanuel Macron introduced the idea of a “systematic” replacement of absent teachers. A few months ago, in full wave Omicron, his Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had called on students and retirees, without being available, at this stage, a replacement assessment through this.
On the seven posts with profiles offered in Nancy-Metz, four saw applications arrive. The experiment aims to start “as soon as possible”, it is said to the rectorate. The unions do not hide their reserves. In academic technical committee, two of them (FSU and FO) have spoken against the project; Two others (Sgen and Unsa) abstained. “Teaching is not just a knowledge that the teacher transmits is also a link he creates in contact with students,” notes Patrik Wallbom, from Se-Unsa-Nancy. Same echo of the SNALC. “The Télé-Sension, in times of crisis, was one thing … But to think about it in normal times, it’s abnormal!”, Judge his spokesperson Jean-Rémi Girard.
Rue de Grenelle, little communicates on this experiment, if not to paradoxically ensure that it is not intended to be generalized.