If the head of the Labor Party is sanctioned by the police for violating the health rules, imposed by the COVVI-19 crisis, during a trip with his teams a year ago, he will leave his duties.
After the “Partygate”, the “Beergate”. Serial celebrations at Downing Street during the pandemic, blatant violations of health rules, hurt the credibility and popularity of Boris Johnson, especially since the British Prime Minister received a fine of the police from London. But, for a few days, it is his main political opponent, Keir Starmer, the head of the Labor Party, who finds himself at the center of attention. In question, a curry and bottles of beer which he shared with his teams and militants of plowing on Friday evening in April, last year, during a trip to Durham (northeast of England ). Monday, May 9, the ex-prosecutor for England and Wales undertook to resign if the police imposed a fine for having participated in this late dinner, while health restrictions were still applied in England.
On a rather blurred photograph, published in the Sun almost a year ago, we guess behind a lit window the silhouette of Mr. Starmer a bottle of beer in hand, surrounded by other people obviously eating . For months, this tabloid very on the right tried to set up the subject in pin, while the Labor staff was barely paying attention, all busy criticizing Boris Johnson about “Partygate” – the Prime Minister Participated in at least four festivals, between 2020 and 2021, which are the subject of SCOTLAND YARD. 2> “The only possible decision”
But Durham’s shot suddenly took the proportions of a scandal (the “Beergate”), when the Durham police announced the opening of an investigation on May 6. After calling Boris Johnson to resign, Keir Starmer, who poses as an honest politician against a Prime Minister “who takes the British for idiots”, had no choice. On Monday, he therefore played leaves or double, committing to resign if the Durham police were to conclude that he violated the health rules. “If the police decides to impose a fine, obviously I will make the only possible decision in these cases, and I will resign. The British deserve to have political leaders who believe that the rules also apply to them “Said Mr. Starmer at an improvised press conference.