Available The production of the project Fheroes2 0.9.15, trying to recreate the game Heroes of Might and Magic II. The project code is written on C ++ and is distributed under the license gplv2. To launch the game, files with game resources are required that can be obtained, for example, from the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic II.
Main changes:
- Added support for a monochrome cursor.
- II improvement – the use of the spell “view everything” to get an advantage on the adventure map.
- II improvement – saving mana when using spells on the adventure map.
- II improvement is the calculation of optimal routes on the adventure map in narrow places so that their heroes do not interfere with each other.
- completely processed and expanded the implementation of “hot keys”.
- Added a window with a list of available “hot keys”.
- The window of settings of the main menu with the ability to configure sound, a special text mode and the color of the cursor from the main menu of the game.
- Added support for the Ukrainian language, as well as the basic implementation of translation.
- Improved translations into Russian, Norwegian, French and Polish.
- Coming windows during the briefing before the start of the campaign are complemented by illustrations and a detailed description of bonuses and awards.

/Media reports.