The commemoration of the victory of May 8, 1945 on Nazi Germany was held in Paris, on the eve of the traditional Russian military parade in Moscow, a potential demonstration of force this year, in the context of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Le Monde with AFP
The French President, invested the day before for a new mandate, celebrated, Sunday, May 8, in Paris, the 77
This commemoration opens an international sequence for the Head of State, who will participate on the same day, from 5 pm, in a videoconferencing of the members of the G7 “relating to the situation in Ukraine”, before going on Monday In Strasbourg for Europe Day and, in the process, in Berlin to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Emmanuel Macron arrived by car to drop a wreath in front of the statue of General de Gaulle at the bottom of avenue des Champs-Elysées at 11 am. A blueberry blueberry, the head of state exchanged a few words with the general’s grandson, before going up in his car to join the Arc de Triomphe, accompanied by the great mixed escort of the Republican Guard, greeted by passers -by. It was the first time since 2019 that the public was authorized to attend this ceremony, after two years of restrictions linked to the epidemic of Covid-19.
“We thought that the war had disappeared D ‘Europe ”

Emmanuel Macron during the Victory Commemoration Ceremony of May 8, 1945 on Nazi Germany, May 8, 2022, in Paris. Pool/Reuters Place de l’Etoile, Mr. Macron found the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and the Ministers of Armed Forces and Veterans, Florence Parly and Geneviève Darrieusecq. He returned to the flag, before reviewing the troops. Then he deposited a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier and revived the flame.
Asked about the very particular context of this ceremony, the Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot, told journalists present that it was a “moment which takes a very considerable meaning” with war in Ukraine. “We thought the war had disappeared from Europe,” she added.
“Today, we commemorate the end of the Second World War in Europe and the victory of the Allied fighters over Nazi Germany. We do not forget the soldiers from all the ex-USSR, including Ukrainians And Russians, who contributed to this victory, “wrote the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, on Twitter .
Place de l’Etoile, Mr. Macron found the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and the Ministers of Armed Forces and Veterans, Florence Parly and Geneviève Darrieusecq. He returned to the flag, before reviewing the troops. Then he deposited a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier and revived the flame.
Asked about the very particular context of this ceremony, the Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot, told journalists present that it was a “moment which takes a very considerable meaning” with war in Ukraine. “We thought the war had disappeared from Europe,” she added.
“Today, we commemorate the end of the Second World War in Europe and the victory of the Allied fighters over Nazi Germany. We do not forget the soldiers from all the ex-USSR, including Ukrainians And Russians, who contributed to this victory, “wrote the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, on Twitter .