Sixteen organizations and unions are candidates for this election which takes place from May 9 to 16. VTC deliverers and drivers are invited to vote.
It’s time to vote for workers in mobility platforms, who, for the first time, will elect their representatives from May 9 to 16. Seven organizations and unions are candidates for the college of transport cars with driver (VTC), nine for that of two-wheelers. Lists which will have obtained at least 5 % of the votes during this ballot (8 % in the following) will each be able to appoint three members who will sit during the negotiation meetings. These will have protection in the event of breach of their commercial contract with the platform which must not result from their activity as representatives. A device modeled on the protection of employee representatives.
Five organizations are presented both in the two colleges: the CFTC, FO, UNSA, Union-Independants (whose CFDT is a founding member) and the National Federation of Auto Entrepreneurs and Microentrepreneurs (FNAE). In addition, in the VTC sector are also candidates the association of independent Lyon drivers (ACIL) and the Association of VTCs in France.
The FNTR presents itself at the roads
Among delivery people are also presenting the CGT, Sud-Commerces and Services and the National Confederation of Workers Workers’ Solidarity (CNT-SO), as well as the National Federation of Road Transport (FNTR). The presence of this employers’ organization may seem curious. Erwan Poumeroulie, head of legal and social affairs, recalls that the federation “defends the company” and platform workers often have self-employed status.
“Our sector has companies that use bicycle or employee bicycle couriers, specifies Mr. Poumeoulie. If certain workers in the platforms have an activity that refers in practice to wage earners, we must ensure that the principle of wage earners be applied to avoid a phenomenon of unfair competition. State services must ensure controls. “This confusion of genres was demonstrated in particular during the criminal trial of Deliveroo, which was condemned heavily, on April 19, for “illegal work” over the period 2015-2017.