Marine Le Pen on vacation, almost silent RN

The candidate of the national rally, absent since her defeat in the presidential election, is preparing to do a support tour for party candidates in the legislative elections across France.


Marine Le Pen rests, and the National Rally (RN) does not make noise. Jordan Bardella, the president of the acting movement done … the temporary worker, and does not fail to furnish while waiting for the return of the boss. “Do you have news from Marine Le Pen?” He was asked on Franceinfo on Friday, May 6. “Yes. We saw each other yesterday,” said the young European deputy, to prepare for his return and to prepare the start of the legislative election campaign. We are gradually entering this campaign and we intend to have a maximum of deputies elected as possible in the National Assembly. “

Still, she has disappeared since the evening of the second round, and did not even come to greet Joan of Arc, the 1 er May, being satisfied with a brief video. “I am happy to learn that you are missing,” joked Jordan Bardella. In reality, Marine Le Pen needed to blow, after having chained the campaigns of the municipal elections, in 2020, of the regional ones the following year, where she crisscrossed the twelve regions of France, then the presidential election – she started her campaign on the 16th January 2020, two and a half years before the deadline.

The political agenda is also saturated by the Union of the left and the designation of a new government, and, after the end of inadmissibility to an alliance in the first round with reconquest !, The RN crosses a Long dead time. A final meeting of the National Inauguration Commission validated at the start of the week the last names of the 577 people that the party is preparing to align – but whose list has still not been made public – and the putative candidates, In the regions, are organized discreetly – choice of a substitute, a financial representative, a campaign room, a printer, a team …

no prognosis

Marine Le Pen, herself a candidate in Pas-de-Calais, and Jordan Bardella should start a big tour in France next week to encourage the candidates of the movement or supported by him, like the party From Eric Zemmour, who is about to present 550 candidates – who are far from having the assurance of being reimbursed for their campaign costs. While Eric Zemmour takes notes for his future book, Nicolas Bay, the former vice-president of the National Front (now RN in 2018) and a good connoisseur of the electoral card, took matters into hand, and S ‘ Apply to make thirteen trips by June 7: Monday in Hauts-de-France, Tuesday in Brittany, Friday in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Saturday in Corsica…

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/Media reports.