DEB-GET utility is published, offering APT-GET for third-party packages

Martin Wimpress, co -founder of the Ubuntu Mate editorial office, which is part of the Core Team of the Mate project, deb-get , offering similar
APT-GET functions for working with Deb packages distributed through third-party repositories or available for direct loading from project sites. DEB-GET is available typical packages management commands, such as Update, Upgrade, Show, Install, Remove and Search, but the packages themselves are not loaded from the distribution repositories, but directly from the repositories and sites supported by manufacturers of programs.

In fact, the Deb-GET is a bash script that defines the rules for loading and updating more than 80 popular programs distributed directly or through their own repositories. Some of these programs are not included in standard distribution repositories, for example, due to license restrictions. Another part of the programs from the list is available in standard repositories, but the versions presented in the repositories can greatly lag behind the current issues distributed directly.

DEB-GET utility allows you to use the usual commands to install and update these programs, making it possible not to look for a place for downloading each program, not to manually set the Deb package and does not care about tracking the appearance of updates. APT-repositories, packages on releases with GitHub, PPA references and download sections on sites are supported as sources for installation.

Some of the programs proposed for quick installation:

  • 1password (1password)
  • atom (atom)
  • Brave (Brave-Browser)
  • Visual Studio Code (Code)
  • vscodium (codium)
  • discord (discord)
  • doCker Engine (Docker -ce)
  • doCker desktop (doCker-desktop)
  • dropbox (dropbox)
  • element (element-desktop)
  • Firefox ESR (Firefox-Eesr)
  • github desktop (github-desktop)
  • gitkraken (Gitkraken)
  • gitter (gitter)
  • Google Chrome (Google-Chrome-Stable)
  • Google Earth Pro (Google-Earth-Pro-Stable)
  • keepassxc (keepassxc)
  • lutris (lutris)
  • Mattermost Desktop (Mattermost-Desktop)
  • Microsoft Edge (Microsoft-Edge-Stable)
  • NextCloud Desktop (NextCloud-Desktop)
  • Onlyoffice Desktop Edithors (Onlyoffice-Desktopeditors)
  • Opera (Opera-Stable)
  • Raspberry Pi Imager (RPI-IMAGER)
  • rstudio (rstudio)
  • Signal (Signal-Desktop)
  • Skype (SkypeForlinux)
  • Slack (Slack-Desktop)
  • Spotify (Spotify-Client)
  • Sublime Text (Sublime-Text)
  • synthing (system)
  • Microsoft Teams (Teams)
  • TeamViewer (TeamViewer)
  • vivaldi (vivaldi-stable)
  • weeChat (weeChat)
  • wire (wire-desktop)
  • zoom (zoom)
/Media reports.