At the end of a long evening of debate, between fear of disappearance and desire to reassuring left, the PS parliament spoke at 62 % of the votes for the agreement with France rebellious in legislative elections.
History moment, in the absence of concord, to the Socialist Party (PS). Thursday, May 5 in the evening, the members of the National Council were gathered to decide on the text concluded with rebellious France (LFI) for the legislative elections. A little suspense persisted, but the persuasion work had been done in the last 24 hours. Over the interventions, doubt has dissipated, before being finally lifted at midnight after repeated recounts: the agreement was adopted at 167 votes for, 101 against and 24 abstentions.
With 62.31 % of the votes of some 300 members of the party parliament, Pierre Jouvet prevailed by a “very large majority”. “This is the first time that the left has been found for a very long time, launched the first secretary, Olivier Faure. We are not irreconcilable, we are even demonstrating that we are reconciliable.”
Opponents or promoters of the agreement, none seemed ultimately unhappy of this moment of clarification served on a plateau, with force media coverage, because the headquarters of Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) had never seen so many journalists. Management had chosen transparency by spreading the debates live, one way, she believed, to put the opponents in the face of their responsibilities.
Among the speakers, even opposed to an agreement deemed unnatural and humiliating, none has sketched the start of the “old house”, the words of Léon Blum, guardian of the SFIO to the creation of the Communist Party in 1920, several times mentioned in the evening. “As a hundred years ago, at the Congress of Tours, we have to know who keeps the old house,” said Hélène Geoffroy, leader of the internal opposition to Olivier Faure, deploring a “fractured party” on her arrival. Olivier Faure replied: “We will keep it the old house, if you want to keep it with us, you are welcome.”
“It’s a moment to pass”
Electoral agreement or government agreement, divergent analyzes have been heard. For Senator Laurence Rossignol, “as soon as we admitted the idea that it is not a government agreement, this agreement has some merits: he puts us back on the left and he brings the left to the country”. For the future, she seemed to say, everything remains open. “LFI is not the central force of the left, it is just momentarily the dominant force, it is a moment to pass.”
Above all, by integrating the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (Nuts), a suspicion is lifted: “Again, we are frequentable, while we were perceived as the creators of macronism.” Olivier Faure has increased: “This Evening, it’s a moment of clarification, this vote says to what political space we are belonging, he launched in conclusion. With Macron or with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the environmentalists, the communists? We say that we are in a political space which is that of the left and which we will not move. “
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