Presidential 2022: in West Indies, dilemma of a second round “between plague and cholera”

The Guadeloupe and Martinique voted more than 50% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election. In these traditionally hostile islands, many voters, disappointed by Emmanuel Macron, are now attempted by a Navy L’Pen vote.


Nicole made his decision. “I’m not for the pen but I will vote for her, just so that Macron does not pass in the second round,” said this fiftienarian by savoring the Blaff of Fish she prepared in the kitchen picket installed , since January, at the entrance to the Port of Fort-de-France by trade unionists and caregivers opposed to the immunization obligation for health personnel. “It is said that she is racist, but I do not believe it,” says this caregiver at the national rally candidate (RN).

The program of the latter? “I did not study it,” admits the paramedical worker who, like 53% of Martiniquais, voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election. For the one who stands on the left “since Mitterrand”, the vote of Sunday 24th April – which will take place the watch in the West Indies and Guyana because of the time difference – returns to a choice “between the plague and cholera”. However, add Nicole in a decided tone, “we saw that the plague is not good, then we will try cholera”.

The Martiniquais had voted only 22% for Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron during the second round of the presidential in 2017, but the return match between the two finalists looks much tighter in the department, Due to the hostility aroused over the five-year government by the government’s policy, particularly in health. “We are in a dilemma,” says Serge Aribo, Secretary General of the Union Ugtm Health, back on the strike picket after a morning of negotiations in a private clinic of Fort-de-France.

” By despair or disgust “

The intersyndical of caregivers opposed to the vaccination obligation, whose ugtm is part of, has not given a voting instruction. For his part, Serge Aribo will not vote, as in the first round and, before that, at every presidential election. But many caregivers now show, like Nicole, their intention to vote for Marine Le Pen, “by despair or by disgust”, moves the unionist. “A total misinterpretation”, judges this hospital, who nevertheless ensures “not to condemn” his comrades.

Faced with the possibility of a new record for the RN on the island, calls to the Republican Front have been heard. Upon the announcement of the first round results, the Senator Miscellaneous Left Catherine Conconne exhorted the Martiniquais “to mobilize (…) to block at the extreme right by voting for Emmanuel Macron”. Even bell in the left center coalition, elected last year at the head of the Territorial Community of Martinique, and in several opposition currents.

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/Media reports.