The national gathering candidate repeated his intention to prohibit the veil in the public space, the day after an exchange with an elderly lady on the subject in the Vaucluse.
Le Monde with AFP
No question for Marine Le Pen to leave at Emmanuel Macron The monopoly of the media coverage of the campaign, Saturday, April 16: After a tour in the south of the country, which is for it to be acquired, the candidate of the gathering National has added in extremis a trip to Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre, in the Eure-et-Loir, a few hours before the first great meeting of Emmanuel Macron in Marseille.
“I do not choose the cities where I come according to the results I could do it, but I remind you that I have come in mind in 20,000 communes on 34,000 so it’s sure I can fall On municipalities where I made good scores, “she said smiling to justify the choice of travel. More than 37% of the voters of Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre, or 657 inhabitants, have placed in marine Le Pen in their commune on the occasion of the first round.
While demonstrations against the extreme right Saturday and that many forums in the media call to vote Emmanuel Macron, “this brutal agitation attended between the two towers” is “quite respectful of democracy”, Also declared M me Le Pen. According to her, the “system is worried because he sees that the people want to pick up the power”.
“I’m not getting”
The candidate also returned to his exchange with an elderly lady wearing the veil, during a displacement in the streets of Pertuis, in the Vaucluse, Friday. “I know very well that there are older women who put it because it corresponds to them at a time of their life (…) but it is none the less there are thousands of women in France Who are forced to put this veil because if they do not put it them are threatened, they are isolated, they are suspected, “she said to defend his proposal for banning the veil in the public space.
“These are problems that are complex problems. I am perfectly aware of that, I’m not getting”, then commented Marine Le Pen in an attempt to temper the debate on this specific point of his program . “When I say that I wish that a law is voted, there will be any debate in the National Assembly,” said the hon. Member of the Pas-de-Calais, who insisted that “thanks to the Citizens’ initiative referendum, 500,000 citizens can always ask to vote the French on the repeal of a law that disposes them. I can not do more democratic than this functioning. “
With Robert Ménard, “There is no discomfort”
Marine Le Pen a little later, assured that “there is no discomfort” with the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard, who started withdrawing the Marine Le Pen campaign until Second round of the presidential election. This close to M me Le Pen announced Friday that he would vote on April 24 in his favor despite his “disagreements” and would not speak more than in the second round.
Friday night, “I got Robert on the phone, who told me that he supported me without any difficulty (…) but he wanted it to be the spokespersons of the campaign that could benefit from the Time “of the word being reserved, said M me Le Pen. “It’s not me who asked him” to set up, she said.
m. Ménard said on Friday that he did not rallied Emmanuel Macron. In agreement with the president candidate on the subjects of Vovid vaccination and international politics, not on immigration and security. The former President of Reporters Without Borders has recently shown divergences with Marine Le Pen, for example on his project of banning the veil in the public space. “This is a mistake” and “not possible to implement”, according to him.