The arrival of Marine Le Pen in power would mark a “dangerous” decline, according to NGOs and Think Tanks, which also criticize Emmanuel Macron’s “Incomplete” program.
In the fight against climate change, the next five-year is similar to the last round. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has no doubt in its latest report: maintaining a “living world” implies drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions during this decade. None, none of the two finalists in the presidential election are currently in a position to meet this challenge, conclude NGOs and Think Tanks who analyzed programs. Neither Emmanuel Macron nor Marine Le Pen propose sufficient measures able to put France on the right trajectory to comply with its climate objectives.
“None of the candidates are up to it, but we can not put them on the same plan, however, warns Morgane Créach, Director of the Climate Action Network, which brings together 36 associations. The program of Emmanuel Macron, inaccurate and incomplete, makes us stagnate while that of Marine Le Pen, empty and dangerous, makes us back back. “An analysis shared by Clément Sénéchal, the climate spokesman of Greenpeace France, who is called” worried “for the next five years. : “We have the choice between a climatocynic, which pretends to take charge of the climate crisis but in concealment the real causes, namely the neoliberal economy, and a climatosceptic, which conceals its scale and nature. So between bad and worse. “
Under the next term, France will flood on the first five-year programming law on energy and climate. There is urgency to straighten the bar: Despite progress, France is not in the nails, according to the high advice for the climate, to reach the carbon neutrality in 2050, as it is engaged in respect of the Paris Agreement. It has been directing by justice to take additional measures. All the more time to accelerate that the European Union has noted its ambition by 2030.
“Consume better and less”
If he considers that “never has been done for the environment” – a balance sheet that observers – Emmanuel Macron recognizes that “things do not go far enough”. To “go faster”, it proposes to set up “ecological planning”, an idea borrowed from Jean-Luc Mélenchon (France unsuitably), whose climate program was considered the most ambitious with that of the ecologist Yannick Jadot . In order to get fossil energies, the president candidate defends the construction of 14 EPR, but also the deployment of solar and wind at sea. He also wants to decarner the industry through France 2030, and put on hydrogen. or the capture and storage of the 2 .
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