Plans for next generation Distribution SUSE Linux

developers from SUSE Share The first plans for the development of the future Sustal SUSE Linux Enterprise distribution branch, which is presented with Alp code name (Adaptable Linux Platform). In the new branch it is planned to offer some radical changes as in the distribution itself and in the methods of its development.

In particular, SUSE intends to get away from the SUSE Linux preparation model behind closed doors in favor of the open development process. If earlier, all the development was carried out inside the company and after readily the result was issued, now the processes of creating a distribution and its assembly will become public, which will allow interested persons to track the work and participate in the development.

The second important change will be the division of the basic base of the distribution to two parts: a trimmed “Host OS” to work over the equipment and layer to support applications focused on the containers and virtual machines. The idea is to “host OS” to develop the minimum environment required to support and manage equipment, and all applications and components of the user space are not started in a mixed environment, but in separate containers or in virtual machines performed over “Host OS” and Isolated from each other. The details promise to communicate later, but during the discussion the project”> microos , which develops a trimmed distribution option that uses the atomic installation system and automatically use updates.

/Media reports.