The admission platform in higher education is still not unanimous with presidential candidates who mostly want to put an end or reform it.
Le Monde with AFP
A few hours of reflection and stress for students of terminal and students in reorientation. These young people have until Tuesday, March 29 midnight to make their wishes in Courseup , the admission platform in higher education that continues to divide, including in the speeches of presidential candidates.
Students must register their top ten and twenty sub-vows among all the formations recognized by the state, without having to classify them. However, they have until April 7 to refine their motivation letters and application files.
The “Koh Lanta of the professional orientation”
The Post-Bac admission platform has made a lot of ink in its creation four years ago, much accusing it to introduce selection to the university. Candidates for the presidential election, and several on the left propose to delete it. “I will abrogate courseup, this ignominy”, launched early March the candidate of the radical left Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Twitter . A few months before, he had evoked a “breeze-vocation”.
The communist candidate Fabien Roussel, who also wants to “put it end”, has described tracks of “Koh Lanta of professional orientation, but without totem of immunity”. Anne Hidalgo also wants “Remove CourseUp”, “To restore the equitable access of French high school students to higher education”, just like the ecologist Yannick Jadot, for whom “this system of a black box that defines your future, c ‘Is unbearable “, as he said on franceinfo . To “avoid the offenses of orientation insiders”, the right candidate Valérie Pécresse affirms on his side that it will “make also transparent and accessible local courses’ algorithms”.
Emmanuel Macron has touted the “great success” of coursesp, with “more efficient results” than the previous system post-bac admission (APB), very criticized. He added, however, that we must “continue the work of improving the orientation that initiated” the platform.
“must be abandoned the non-ranking of the vows”
If much recognize progress over APB – including the end of the draw, the creation of stock exchange quotas or information on the training provided by the platform -, unions and specialists of the subject, however, point to course of care. .
For Hervé Christofol, member of the National Office of the National Higher Education Union (SNESUP-FSU), “we will not go back to paper inscriptions and queues in front of each university”, but “It is necessary to abandon the non-ranking of the vows, which created a real powered on the formations, and has the consequence of making overbooking”. According to him, it would be necessary to “create new places to delete the selection”.
The fact that the proposals are made “over the water” is also criticized, the candidates often ending up on waiting list. They will be able to receive this year responses from June 2nd until September.