Long-time claimed by a large part of Corsican opinion, the rapprochement of Pierre Alessandri and Alain Ferrandi, incarcerated in Poissy, arrives too late to appease the situation.
Four and a half years after the end of their safety period, it took the deadly aggression of Yvan Colonna at the central house of Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), incidents, then a day of Riots in Bastia, Ajaccio and Calvi (Haute-Corse), the announcement of a process of negotiations between the nationalists and the state for Matignon announces, Tuesday, March 22, the rapprochement in Corsica of Pierre Alessandri and Alain Ferrandi, ” by mid-April “. “We are not going to complain, sighs M e Françoise Davideau, lawyer of Mr. Ferrandi. But this decision intervenes in dramatic circumstances, whereas it should have registered in a context legal and legitimate. “
Since May 25, 2017, the last two members of the imprisoned “Commando Erignac” had hitherto against the systematic refusal to see their sentence and lifted the status of “particularly reported inmate” (DPS) which prevented Their rapprochement in Corsica despite favorable detention reports, irreproachable behavior behind bars and reintegration projects deemed strong by the Prison Probation Service. “The status of DPS that weighs on Pierre Alessandri since its incarceration and throughout its twenty-three years of detention, explains M e Eric Barbolosi, a lawyer of the activist, has not only been an obstacle to the Family rapprochement but also has also become a major obstacle to its reintegration. What a meaning given to the execution of his sentence in such conditions? ”
On February 18, the Local Commission of the Poissy House (Yvelines), where the two detainees purge their sentence, had even pronounced against the radiation of the two detainees of the DPS register, an unexpected turnaround: It had been favorable in 2019 and 2020, during its last two consultations.
“State French Assassin”
Everything changes with the aggression of Yvan Colonna, March 2nd. The prisoner, sentenced for the assassination of the Prefect Claude Erignac on February 6, 1998 in Ajaccio, is plunged into the coma after having been tobacco by Franck Elong Abé, an ex-jihadist of 36 years. The emotion is considerable in Corsica, where the rapprochement of detainees on the island, considered a humanitarian necessity, is a very largely shared claim in the political class and opinion. Five days later, in the campaign HQ of 15 e arrondissement where he has just formalized his candidacy for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron briefly talks with Laurent Marcangeli, Mayor (various Right) of Ajaccio and Jean-Charles Orsucci, Mayor (the Republic in March, LRM) of Bonifacio (Corsica-South), only elected macronistic weight on the island. “We must consider the situation with humanity. John will announce something shortly,” says the president candidate.
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