At the LibreplaNet 2022 conference, which, as in the past two years, was conducted online, a virtual award ceremony was held on which announced Laureates of the Annual Award” Free Software Awards 2021 ” established by the Fund Foundation (FSF) and awarded to people who made the most significant contribution to the development of free software, as well as socially significant free projects. Given at the ceremony memorable plates and letters sent to the winners by mail (the FSF premium does not imply money remuneration ).
Prize for the promotion and development of free software received Paul Eggert (Paul Eggert), which is responsible for maintaining time zones used In most UNIX systems and in all Linux distributions. The base reflects and accumulates information about all changes related to time zones, including clock zone shifts and changes in the transition to summer / winter time. In addition, Paul also takes part in the development of many free projects such as GCC.

In the nomination, handed over to projects, which brought a significant benefit of society and contributed to the solution of important social tasks, the award was awarded the project SecurePairs , uniting computer security professionals Defending the right of users to independently repair, study the internal, maintenance and making changes to the filling of their devices or software products. In addition to the rights of the owners, the SecurePairs project also advocates the provision of repairing the repair by independent professionals not related to the manufacturer. The project is trying to withstand the initiatives of equipment manufacturers aimed at the complication of user intervention in their devices. Obtaining the possibility of self-introduction of changes is explained, for example, the need to emergency eliminate vulnerabilities and confidential problems, without waiting for the manufacturer’s reaction.
In the nomination for the outstanding contribution of a new participant in the development of free software, which is awarded to beginners, the first contribution of which showed a prominent commitment to the movement of free software, received a prize
Testaled Stavser ( Protesilaos Stavrou ), which has manifested itself in developing Emacs Editor. Testales develop several useful additions to Emacs and actively helps the community publications in its blog and stereims. Testales are given as an example when a beginner in just a few years can achieve the status of a key participant of a large free project.