Fishermen, farmers, carriers, or professionals in the public works sector blocked, Tuesday, March 15, these petroleum deposits of Brittany to denounce the fleece from the price of fuels.
Le Monde with AFP
“We will stay here until we are heard”: Fishermen, farmers, carriers, or professionals of the public works sector blocked, Tuesday, March 15, the oil deposits of Brest and Lorient to denounce the ‘Flying from the price of fuels.
“We start to increase the tone, and it will go more and more | far] if we are not listened to and that we do not have quick and emergency measures,” promised to The Agency France-Press (AFP) Sébastien The Prince, Patron-Fisherman from Locudy (southern Finistère) to block the deposit of Brest, despite the promises of the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, to help the profession.
“We will not let the fishermen fall, I say here,” said Mr. Castex on Tuesday during a speech at the Prefecture of Brittany. He had already promised last week for fishermen “measures allowing a lowering of their social and port charges”.
“The boats are stopped, they are stopped,” said Sébastien the Prince, with reference to the activity in the ports of Loctudy, Saint-Guénolé and Guilvinec, the first artisanal fishing port of France, Where Monday, at the end of the day, only a handful of boats unloaded their fish on a year.
“We can not pass on the rise in fuel on the fish. One kilo of loot today at five euros, tomorrow it will be at five euros or even at 4.80 despite the rise in oil. We can not do anything To do, one is like the farmers who are dictated the price of pork, “explained the fisherman, not far from a fire of pallets and trunks regularly fed by the protesters.
“Over expensive diesel, boat” or “too expensive diesel, we have it in the back”, I could read on hanging banners in front of the petroleum deposit enclosure.
“Everyone works at loss”
About 200 people, of whom a hundred fishermen were present in the morning in front of the site on which were parked about forty gear (trucks, tractors). In the afternoon, the deposit was always blocked, although the fishermen went to quimper manifest in front of the prefecture.