Brett Hankison was not pursued for the death of the young woman, but for having “endangered” his neighbors by unloading his weapon through a partition.
Le Monde
A jury has acquitted, Thursday, March 3, the only police officer after the death of African American Bulla Taylor, killed almost two years ago in his apartment during a surprise intervention.
The Brett Hankison White Police officer, 45, had not been charged for the death of the young woman, but to have “endangered” his neighbors by unloading his weapon through a partition. After a week of trial and three hours of deliberations, the jurors declared it “not guilty”.
This verdict is likely to revive the anger in Louisville, the largest city in Kentucky who had slipped in September 2020, when the prosecutors had given up the other police involved in the drama and had only retained An indictment held against Mr. Hankison.
It is “a new proof of the impunity of the police” and “shows the work that remains to be accomplished before it can say that our judicial system is right,” criticized the famous Ben Crump lawyer, who has Defended the Breonna Taylor family and many victims of police violence.
But the lawyer of Brett Hankison, Stew Mathews, rented “a suitable verdict”. “Justice was rendered,” he commented, feeling that his client had just “did his policeman work”.
The Town Hall has committed a reform of his police
On March 13, 2020, three police officers from Louisville had broken in the middle of the home of Bonnea Taylor, a 26-year-old caregiver, as part of a survey for drug trafficking aimed at his former small friend. His new companion Kenneth Walker had thought that it was burglary and pulled a shot with a legally owned weapon. The police had fought back and Bulla Taylor had received twenty bullets.
The agents had a mandate called “No Knock”, authorizing them to push the door without warning. They make themselves advertised, what Mr. Walker contests.
The death of Bonena Taylor had not attracted a lot of attention at first, but she returned to the front of the scene a few months later in the major anti-cell events that agitated the United States after The death of George Floyd, a black quadmenteen muffled by a white policeman at Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.
To put an end to a civilian complaint, the Louisville town hall agreed to pay twelve million dollars to the Breonna Taylor family and to initiate first reforms of his police. His police are also the subject of a federal investigation into their practices.