is presented Linux-distribution release Armbian 22.02 , provacting a compact system environment for various Self-Point Computers on ARM processor base, including various models of Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Helios64, Pine64, Nanopi, and Cubeboard based on Allwinner processors, Amlogic, Actionsemi, Freescale / NXP, Marvell Armada, Rockchip and Samsung Exynos.
for The assembly formation uses Debian and Ubuntu batch databases, but the environment is completely reassembled using its own assembly system with optimization to reduce the size, increase productivity and apply additional protection mechanisms. For example, the / var / log section is mounted using ZRAM and is stored in RAM in a compressed form with data discharge on the drive once a day or when it is completed. Section / TMP is mounted using TMPFS. The project supports more than 30 variants of Linux kernel assemblies for different Arm and ARM64 platforms.
Release Features:
- Implemented the possibility of forming continuously updated assemblies based on packets from Debian SID (Unstable) in addition to assemblies based on Debian 11.
- Build assemblies based on the upcoming release of Ubuntu 22.04.
- are implemented stable and continuously updated assemblies for boards based on X86 and ARM architectures using UEFIs, formed based on the GRUB loader from Debian / Ubuntu instead of U-Boot.
- Added 64-bit assemblies, specially optimized for Raspberry Pi boards.
- introduces a new framework to connect extensions to the assembly system ( Extensions Build Framework ).
- improved tested assemblies in continuous integration systems.