Video The Ukrainian capital suffered repeated assaults on Saturday, February 26th. Although the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the army only targeted military infrastructure, a residential building was affected by a bombing in the morning.
“We will not regain arms,” said Ukrainian President on Saturday, February 26, in a video published on Twitter. While Russian soldiers are trying to assisieger Kiev since the beginning of the invasion, Thursday, February 24, Volodymyr Zelensky called the population to resist the assaults. “We can not give up our capital,” he said.
The night of February 25th to 26 was marked by many clashes in the city, where the Russians were trying to enter through different points. While part of the population was refugee in the metro corridors to protect themselves from bombing, a residential building of about twenty floors has been targeted by a missile shot. This “cynical” attack was denounced by the Ukrainian relief spokesman.