Through seven steps until the first round of the election, “Le Monde” will approach every Friday a major theme of the campaign, through a direct on the site and mobilizing its reporters and its specialized journalists.
Le Monde
The presidential campaign, already exceptionally short, is threatened with eclipse. At the invading crisis due to COVID-19, today adds the shadow of an open conflict between Ukraine and Russia at the gates of Europe. This double reality, sanitary and geopolitics, if it can not be ignored, nevertheless not to obscure the democratic expiry of the French. Not only because the election of the president by universal suffrage is the cornerstone of the functioning of the V e Republic. But also because the campaign that precedes this vote is a crucial moment of debate, confronting the ideas and highlighting the themes that make everyday life of our fellow citizens.
Through the operation “Campaign Fragments”, Le Monde will put forward each Friday until the first round of the presidential on 10 April, these subjects who sometimes struggle to make a way in the middle of the rubble of News, even though they represent a major issue for the country. Starting with our first step, devoted to “Youth”, Friday, February 25th. Assuming that if 18-29 years vote less than the other categories of the population, they have no less a lot to say – and to say – we will give them the floor this Friday through a device special, which will decide with the treatment reserved for this subject in part of the media.
In the reign of controversy, we will privilege the substantive explanation, with several decryptions of the new mechanics of commitment, from the 18-29 year report to democracy and the vote, proposals of the candidates addressing this part of the population …
Hundreds of testimonials collected
At the expression of premier opinions on certain TV trays, we will oppose the field reports, in the wake of the operation “fragments of France”, young people from the neighborhoods of Lyon to those of Brieze in the Orne or Thunder in Yonne, passing by the young feminists of Fontenay-sous-Bois (Val-de-Marne) or the students of Martinique.
At the artificiality of the organized clash, we will prefer the appeased conversation with our readers, through a direct spent all day on, on which we will publish the hundreds of testimonials collected from them, in Report or through our site and our social networks, especially Snapchat and Instagram. A special partnership has been established with Jean Massiet, an animator of a successful political stream on Twitch, who will be codidized on the world’s site.
This first “campaign fragments” will be followed by others: on the climate disturbance which, despite the generalized awareness, difficult to exist concretely in the debates; on public services, on which certain territories depend on stalling; On where we choose whether or not one chooses to live, which with the health crisis has become a subject of major questioning for most Frenchmen; on how seniors are evolving today; On the Square of France in Europe, central cleavage in the election five years ago and which has disappeared gradually debates; On the crisis of electoral democracy, which translates into the decline of interest in polls and for abstention which has reached record levels in 2021.