The President of Radio France explains, in an interview to the “World”, his choice to appeal to the producer of the “paths of philosophy” on France Culture to lead the first Radio de France.
Sibyl Veil Play big. Just over one year before the end of his term, the President of Radio France decided to change the direction of France Inter. Named in 2014 at the head of the radio, Laurence Bloch, who will be 70 years old this year, will pass the witness to Adèle Van Reeth. The producer of the “paths of philosophy” on France Culture will conceive the next gate of the tandem radio with Laurence Bloch, before officially taking office in September 2022. It will have the difficult mission to keep hearings at the highest level . This appointment comes a few weeks of the presidential election and while the first Radio de France is strongly attacked by Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen.

Have you chosen a successor to Laurence Bloch, the boss of France inter?
I chose to name Adèle Van Reeth, who produces “the paths of philosophy” on France Culture. It is a choice that has established itself, both Adele Van Reeth represents everything France Inter: at the same time the intellectual requirement and modernity. It is a great professional of the radio in all its dimensions: it knows what to produce a daily, and its show is one of the greatest successes of podcasts in reissue of Radio France.
Is his profile sufficiently generalist?
I wanted someone who is able to build the future of radio, taking the strong personalities and intellectually affected France Inter. At 39, Adèle Van Reeth is a pure product of our house, where she started as a trainee. Sandrine Treiner, the director of France Culture, settled her to the stirrup confident by the emission of philosophy. She then managed to make extremely popular an issue that focuses on one of the most demanding intellectual disciplines. His show is a philosophy show a little pop: she even talks about cinematographic culture and comics. During the confinement, she had made “confined with Keith Jarrett” on the spirit of jazz. She knows how to go on all territories and talk to all generations. She also federates with contents that question the time and complexity.
Why change captain while the audiences of France Inter are at the highest?
Laurence Bloch has the best: she spends the interest of the chain above all. After eight years at his head, she had a concern for not doing too much. We both considered that after a demanding and heavy season in stakes like the one we live, including the democratic elections, it would be the right time to build the rest. This discussion, we had it together last summer.
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