Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray: three accused in contact with terrorists

In the second week of the trial, the Assize Court specially composed of Paris was interested in Jean-Philippe Jean Louis, Farid Khelil and Yassine Sebaihia with the two jihadists responsible for the assassination of Father Hamel In July 2016.


After a first week when he was mostly discussed the bombing of the Church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) in which the priest Jacques Hamel was murdered with the knife by two young people Jihadists, Abdel-Malik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche, July 26, 2016, the Assize Court specially composed of Paris was interested in the three accused who appear for “Criminal Terrorist Association”.

Jean-Philippe Jean Louis, Farid Khelil and Yassine Sebaihia did not play a role in the attack of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray – otherwise they would be accused of “complicity of terrorist assassination” – but they plotted With Kermiche and Petitjean, killed just after their attack by the police, in order to commit terrorist offenses. For two days, an investigator of the counter-terrorist sub-direction of the judicial police (SDAT) came to expose to the bar the investigations of his service on the three accused.

Jean-Philippe Jean Louis, converted to Islam alone on the Internet and Haitian parents, was in frequent and regular contact with Abdel-Malik Petitjean with whom he tried to leave in Syria in June 2016. Their journey s. is stopped in Istanbul. On his return to France, Jean-Philippe Jean Louis immediately seeks to leave, but, knowing each other, he tries to get false papers. At the same time, he animates a Telegram chain, well known in the “jihadosphere”, Ansar At-Tawhid (the partisans of uniqueness); Some of his contents are relayed by Adel Kermiche, whom he did not know personally. Kermiche has its own Telegram chain, Al Haqq Wal Dalil (Truth and Evidence).

“May Allah easify you”

A few hours after the first online meeting with Adel Kermiche on the night of July 21st, Abdel-Malik Petitjean Announces Jean-Philippe Jean Louis Want to “take a carpooling” to reach Kermiche but miss money. Jean-Philippe Jean Louis who used to create online cards to finance departures in Syria, creates one on July 22 in the afternoon, but he removes it less than 24 hours later without warning Petitjean. Jean Louis then only contact him until the attack. But in the aftermath of this one, learning Abdel-Malik Petitjean, he encourages Farid Khelil to “avenge” his cousin.

Farid Khelil is indeed the remote family of Abdel-Malik Petitjean. He has a dozen years more, but this big consumer of cannabis and juple rider is impressed by his cousin who speaks Arabic, practical assiduously Islam and explains the war in Syria. Divorce, dismissal, Farid Khelil crosses a bad pass. He then walks in the footsteps of his cousin Abdel-Malik, who encourages him to create a Telegram account and the Remote of Jihadist Propaganda.

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/Media reports.