New issues of anonymous network I2P 1.7.0 and C ++ – client I2PD 2.41

Release anonymous network i2p 1.7.0 and c ++ – customer i2pd 2.41.0 . Recall that I2P is a multi-layered anonymous distributed network operating on top of the usual Internet, which is actively using through (End-to-End) encryption, guaranteeing anonymity and isolation. In the I2P network, you can anonymously create web sites and blogs, send instant messages and emails, share files and organize P2P networks. The basic i2P client is written in Java and can work on a wide range of platforms, such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, etc. I2PD is an independent I2P client implementation in C ++ and distributed under a modified BSD license.

Among the changes:

  • In the applet for a system tray implemented the output of pop-up messages.
  • in i2psnark Added new Torrent file editor.
  • in i2ptunnel Added support for IRCV3 tags.
  • reduced load on the processor when using NTCP2 transport.
  • In the new installations, the software interface bob , which has long been announced with obsolete (in existing installations support BOB is preserved, but Users are encouraged to proceed to use the SAMV3 protocol).
  • improved code for searching and saving information in the database. Added protection against low-performance selection
    Peer when installing tunnels. Work was carried out to increase the reliability of the network in the conditions of finding problem or malicious routers.
  • in i2pd 2.41 eliminated a problem that reduces the reliability of the network.
  • The separate test network is deployed to check the tunnels between the I2PD and Java I2P database and Java routers. The test network will detect problems with the combination of I2PD and Java I2P at the preliminary test test.
  • The development of a new UDP transport “SSU2”, which will significantly increase productivity and safety. The implementation of SSU2 will also fully update the cryptographic stack and get rid of the use of a very slow elgamal algorithm (a bunch ECIES-X25519-AEAD-RATCHET Instead of Elgamal / Aes + SessionTag ).
/Media reports.