Young is not a rookie like any other

no CV, no letter of motivation, “plays and wins a job”: it is through the game that Adventure Group wants to recruit the 80 employees he needs for his three amusement parks in Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes. To attract candidates and test their appetite to project mode, the classic recruitment process has been rejected by the employer, as “rebutant” for young people. “We come out to ask neither CV nor cover letter.”

The shift approach of the game “allows you to identify people more easily,” says Thierry Franc, the group’s president. It is therefore a video game that will check the “essential criteria: motivation, speech, dynamism, the ability to work in a team”, skills that will be in fine validated (or not) during a telephone interview. .

That a leisure company goes through the game to select its candidates is all coherent, but it seems that the young person is not a rookie like any other. The Research Directorate of the Ministry of Labor (Dares) published on 16 February a study by Bertrand Lhommeau and Véronique Rémy based on the investigation “job and recruitment” (OFER), which confirms that, to target the young people, private sector companies adapt their methods, both simpler than for other profiles, and on different criteria.

A valued dynamism

The OFF survey identifies the different stages of recruitment at the national level. Following the description of the process, the recruiter surveyed quotes the main criteria that were selected to select in fine the successful candidates. The results corroborate the testimonies of recruiters of 2022, which claim to give more and more importance to behavioral skills, the famous “soft skills”.

In the Bertrand L’Hommeau and Véronique Rémy study, the dynamism, presentation, operationality and motivation are thus more often cited as the final selection criteria for candidates under the age of 29 than for others. Quoted twice as often for young people, dynamism “involves immediate qualities expected (” reactivity “) but also an ability to evolve, with the” potential “criteria and” learn “”, specify the two researchers.

On the other hand, employers are less looking at the skill and adequacy of the profile for young people than for candidates over 30 years old. However, they remain very demanding on the younger diplomas, but “if you can train at the job and adaptation to the post once the person recruited is more difficult to train people in the human,” says Thierry franc.

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/Media reports.