More than 150,000 people have acclaimed 92.4% an exit from the region in vote, without legal value, organized by the European Community of Alsace. A “clear” result according to the President of the CEA, even if only less than 12% of the population of the two departments on the electoral lists spoke.
Some 168,456 persons participated in the consultation launched on December 21, 2021 by the European Community of Alsace (CEA), where they were asked to pronounce on an exit from the Alsace of the Grand East region. 92.4% of the validated votes expressed in favor of “yes”. An uncalling result for CEA President Frédéric Bierry, who is committed to doing everything so that Alsace became a full area.
For this consultation spread over almost two months, during which the Alsatians could vote over the Internet, sliding their newsletter into one of the 99 polls distributed throughout the territory or by post, the participation was more Strong in the Bas-Rhin only in the Haut-Rhin. The bulletins originating in Bas-Rhin thus count for 60.4% of the “yes” expressed. An unsurprising result, which extends the trend already registered at the 2013 referendum, where the inhabitants had been asked to pronounce on a merger of the two departments. At the time, Haut-Rhinois voters were mostly pronounced against such a merger, on the contrary of Bas-Rhinois. The vote had finally been invalidated due to a too low participation rate (20.05%). Two years later, the law our was the creation of the Grand East region and the disappearance of Alsace as an institutional entity.
Solicitation of presidential candidates
The participation of the Alsatians has not been better this time, since the number of validated newsletters (153,844) represents only 11.8% of the department’s electorate. It is nevertheless presented by Frédéric Bierry as “a clear expression of the opinion of the Alsatians, which obliges all local elected representatives, the national representation and the other institutions to answer them positively”. Itself prefers to compare participation in this consultation with those recorded at the Party Congress The Republicans (LR) or the popular primary on the left.
The President of the CEA hoped to cross the mark of the 100,000 participants to give this consultation sufficient magnitude and do not have to finalize the chapter of the institutional status of Alsace. Breathing this threshold confirms it in order to solicit the different candidates for the presidential election. “Citizens are attentive to the effectiveness of this citizen participation. They want this to translate into a decision. I will ask the President of the Republic who will be elected in April 2022 to respect their will,” he says. Objective for Mr. Bierry: To ensure that the future government filed a bill to transfer the skills of the Grand-East region to the European community of Alsace. “The return to an Alsace region would recover economic competence but also the competence in training, higher education, transportation. Gathering them across Alsace would act more effectively,” says he.
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