This humorist, Jewish Orient Arabizante and engaged, throws acid buckets on the idea of ”coexistence” Israeli-Palestinian, but still believes it.
When you are attest for a lunch with the Israeli humorist Noam Shuster-Eliasi, Wednesday, February 16 in Jerusalem, the Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, come back from a trip to the little kingdom of Bahrain, on the western shore of the Persian Gulf. In the Left Daily Haaretz, an editorialist Rejoices , noting how much this visit seems normal, almost trivial. Since 2020, the fruit of the so-called “Abraham” agreements, Israel does not significantly normalize its relations with several Arab States (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan), without the slightest concession to the Palestinian cause. Noam Shuster, for his part, in laughter.
This stand-up artist, which is just his 35 years old, made a sensation in January through the Middle East, singing on the Israeli television channel Makan a small couplet in Arabic to the glory of Dubai , the emiratia megalopoly, now accessible At Israeli tourists in three hours of aircraft. Desired, she addressed “a message of love and peace to all Arabs, especially if they live 4,000 kilometers from here, and thanked the Emirats for” forgotten Palestine “and the blockade of Gaza.
THERE IT IS WITH SUBTITLE “DUBAI DUBAI” from the satire show “El Shusmo” on Makan Channel | Written by Razi Najja … (@Noam Shuster Eliasi)
It is rare that an Israeli humorist, even left, is thus a public in the Arab world. Yet Noam Shuster is not at his test. In 2019, she had already drawn the attention, offering themselves for marriage to the young accredited prince of the Saudi kingdom, Mohammed Ben Salman, on the antenna in Arabic of I24, telephone chain of the French-Israeli telecoms Magnat. Patrick Drahi.
Humorist by militancy
At the American Colony’s restaurant, luxury hotel located in a former mansion of the Arab Half of Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967, Noam Shuster salutes international humanitarian workers: former confreres and friends. Five years ago, she was one of theirs. Employee of a United Nations agency, she tried to approach Israeli settlers, ultraurthodox Jews … a very distant audience from the “peace industry”, of which it ended up tired. “I was unable to measure the impact of my work. I did not know what I had been doing … Since then, I dropped the rational analyzes. I try to disorient people and it works much better.”
The young woman did not make humorist “for laughter”, but by militancy. Its simple presence on stage or on television, does it estimate, is a message. “An Israeli who speaks Arab, you usually see that in Fauda”, this series that tale the facts of weapons of melancholy agents of Israeli intelligence, infiltrated into Palestinian territory. Beyond the television “mossaders” of which Israel has been a specialty, Noam Shuster intends to highlight its identity Mizrahi, “Jewish Orient” or Jewish Arab, anchored in the Middle East. “We should be the Allies of the Palestinians,” she says. Far from the racist clichés that the Séfarade community drags in Israel – including its French component, in which the speech of Eric Zemmour finds a powerful echo.
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