Algeria again authorizes overview of French military aircraft

In October 2021, Algiers had prohibited the overview of its territory with French military aircraft, following the words of Emmanuel Macron in the newspaper “Le Monde”.

Le Monde

A French plane has been able to fly over the territory of Algeria with the formal agreement of the local authorities, for the first time since October, indicated Thursday, 17 February to the AFP the staff of the French armies.

“The demand went through the French Embassy, ​​as every time a military plane flies over a foreign territory,” the same source was explained without specifying what the Airbus A330 MRTT transported. “The Algerian authorities had warned us that it was possible,” added the staff, suggesting that other overview should be in the same way accepted in the future.

This surveillance authorization then intervenes that Paris and its European partners have formalized Thursday their military withdrawal of Mali after nine years of anti-dwelling control led by Paris, leading the other foreign actors present in the country to question openly on their commitment. .

Algiers, which shares with Mali 1,400 kilometers from borders, took an active part in the peace agreement signed in 2015 with the independence rebellion to end the war in Mali and always participates in meetings of the Committee of Follow-up (CSA).

“Ascending dynamics of appeasement”

In October 2021, Algeria had prohibited the overview of its territory with French military aircraft at the same time as it asked for the “immediate reminder” of its ambassador to Paris.

She then reacted to the words of Emmanuel Macron in the Le Monde log. The French President had stated that Algeria, after its independence in 1962, was built on “a memorial annuity” maintained by “the politico-military system”, questioning the existence of an Algerian nation before French colonization.

The two countries have been working since returning to their relationship. Last element on the date of bilateral rapprochement, the Embassy of Algeria in France praised ten days ago the “dynamic ascending of appeasement” between Algiers and Paris.

Thursday, the French Chief of Staff Thierry Burkhard said he had spoken with his Algerian counterpart, General Saïd Chanegriha. “Exchanges on the security situation in the Sahelian-Saharan band, especially on the terrorist threat. Common will to strengthen cooperation between our two armies,” he said on his Twitter account.

/Media reports.