Legislative elections: MP Matthew Orphan does not represent

The parliamentarian, which was among the first fourteen candidates invested by the Republic in March 2017, which he left in 2019, justified his decision by his desire to “conduct differently” his fighting and the personal cost. ‘Fees such a mandate.

Le Monde with AFP

After the announcement of the member for the majority Hugues Fension not to be represented at the deputation in June, it is the turn of the Ecologist Matthew Orphan to announce the end of his political adventure at the Palais-Bourbon. The member for Maine-et-Loire and former spokesman for Yannick Jadot’s campaign announced, Friday, February 18, that he was not represented in the legislative elections, highlighting his will to “conduct differently” his fighting and the personal cost of political commitment.

“politically, everything pushes me to return”, but, “personally, the decision is more complex”, between a “burn-out at the end of 2019” and the resolution of “not to become a professional of politics”, Explains the 49-year-old elected, in a Press release published on its site then taken up on its Twitter account.

Banks of the majority to those of the opposition

m. Orphan draws up the assessment of its mandate and list the “fights earned and lost” in five years: end of the production of hydrocarbons in France voted in 2017, law climate even if considered insufficient, extension of the energy check, bicycle plan … but NO CLIMATE ISF, ECOCONDITIONALITY OF AID TO COMPANIES OR RECOGNITION OF WHITE VOTE.

The member despairs to see “the environmentalists and left parties launch in 2022 in fratricid wars and prefer to lose only to win together.” It deems it necessary to “refound the place of ecology in politics”. But he feels the need and “the desire to rejuvenate, [SE] regenerate, to lead differently [his] fights”.

At the end of November, Mr. Orphelin had been “put down his responsibilities” of the spokesperson in the presidential campaign of ecologists. After the revelation of new charges of rape and sexual assault against Nicolas Hulot, Yannick Jadot’s campaign team explained that Mr. Orphanin, spokesman for the former Minister of 2012 to 2015, N ‘ had more the “serenity necessary for the exercise of his duties”. Affirming with no knowledge of the facts, Mr. Orphelin had discussed “internal tensions” to explain his withdrawal from the candidate’s campaign of Europe Ecology-Les Verts (EELV).

ELU for the first time MP in June 2017 under the label of the Republic (LRM), this former close to Nicolas Hulot had left the majority group in February 2019, invoking in insufficient advances in the “stakes climatic, ecological and social “. He had often expressed a divergent voice, refusing to be a “green deposit”.

The member had then founded and codirigated in May 2020 the Ecology Democracy Group Solidarity at the Assembly, dissolves for lack of a number of members, a few months after training.

Last year, for the regional elections, Mr Orphelin had led a union list of the left EELV-PS in the Pays de la Loire, arriving second with 34.9% of the votes, behind the outgoing president of the region, Christelle Morançais (Republicans). This training engineer, who has a career at the Environment and Energy Mastery Agency (ADEME) remains regional opposition adviser.

/Media reports.