At 7.4%, lowest unemployment since 2008

The number of unemployed was established at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2.239 million, a decrease of 189,000 compared to the previous three months. The unemployment rate is similar to the objective set by Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of its five-year.


Good news continues to fall on the job front. In the fourth quarter 2021, the number of unemployed, within the meaning of the International Labor Office (ILO), decreased by 189,000 compared to the previous three months, is now up to 2.239 million, according to the Published statistics, Friday, February 18, by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies ( INSEE) . The unemployment rate, it, declined by 0.6 points, to 7.4%, the lowest ratio since 2008. This indicator is close to the goal that Emmanuel Macron had set at the beginning of the five-year. go down 7% in 2022.

If one is reasoning by age tranches, the decline is spectacular for young people: the 15-24 year-old unemployment rate of 3.6 points, to 15.9%, which was not Not seen since the beginning of the 2000s, according to INSEE. Another positive evolution: the share of people aged 15 to 64 who employ a job increased by 0.2 points, beating a new record at 67.8%.

These trends, however, are a little darkened by less rejoicing data. First, the proportion of 15-29 years, which are neither in activity nor in training was returned to the rise (+ 0.5 points) between early October and end of December 2021. In addition, the “halo around unemployment” slightly extended during the same period, this notion designating the inactive who wish to have a position, but are not considered unemployed, failing to meet the ILO criteria (do research, being available).

Very positive balance sheet

The overall assessment remains no less very positive, for Elisabeth Borne. “Nobody imagined that we can have such results coming out of one of the most serious economic crises that have known in recent decades,” said the Minister of Labor on Friday morning, “A Href = “édi-18-Fevrier- 2022 “target =” _ blank “rel =” Noopener “title =” new window “> France inter .

The decline in the unemployment rate is in line with the exuberant vigor of the labor market. In the last quarter 2021, private sector workforce has increased by nearly 107,000 (+ 648,000 throughout the past year). Today, they are at a higher level than the end of 2019.

Such dynamism holds, of course, at the reboot of the activity. Over the last three months of 2021, GDP is above the threshold reached before the health crisis. The job, on its side, has risen to a point even higher. This shift intrigue Number of experts: if the battalions of workers are faster than the volume of wealth made, it is a sign that productivity slows down.

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