is presented Issue kaos 2022.02 , Distribution with Continuous update model aimed at providing the desktop based on fresh KDE issues and applications using Qt. From the design specificity, the features of the design can be noted the placement of the vertical panel on the right side of the screen. The distribution is developing with an Arch Linux Linux, but supports its own independent repository, which has more than 1,500 packages, and also offers a number of own graphic utilities. XFS is used as the default file system. Build published for x86_64 systems (3 GB).
In the new release:
- The default KDE session based on the Wayland protocol.
- Desktop components are updated to KDE Plasma 5.24, KDE Frameworks 5.91.0, KDE Gear 21.12.2 and QT 6.2.3 (Also available QT 5.15.3, accompanied by the KDE project). A new interface is proposed for configuring monitors, the process of moving panels in different parts of the screen is simplified and a new survey mode is enabled to view the contents of virtual desktops and evaluate the search results in Krunner.
*img src=”” title = “” Border = “0”> - due to breakdown with Wayland support media player
SMPlayer is replaced by Haruna, which is also an add-in over MPV. Of the additional features there is integration with YT-DLP to download video from YouTube.
- as an office package instead of Calligra, the default is a libreoffice with backed drawback based on QT5 / KF5.
- In the Calamares installer, the output of warnings is implemented when conflicts are detected when disk partitions.
- The composition includes a new calendar-planner Kalendar providing funds for Task management and events, and supporting integration with external calendars based on NextCloud, Google Calendar, Outlook and Caldav.
- updated versions of programs, including GLIBC 2.33, GCC 11.2, Perl 5.34.0, PHP 8.1.2, Gstreamer 1.20.0, Linux 5.15.23 core, SystemD 250.3, CURL 7.81.0, MESA 21.3.6, Wayland 1.20.0, Sudo 1.9.9 and OpenLDAP 2.6.1.
/Media reports.