The unions of the Autonomous Regie in Paris Transport call for stopping the work to claim a rise in wages, while a renewed tension is felt among the bus staff.
It’s a black Friday that is looming for subway and RER users. At the appeal of all RATP trade unions, a strike was launched for Friday, February 18, in the name of the purchasing power defense. All the warning signs indicate that the mobilization could be very important, especially on the rail network that carries 7 million people each day.
But, beyond a day of an announced galley, this mid-February seems to kick off a renewed conflictuality in the transport of the Paris region, with the opening of several fronts in parallel . As if the perspective of loosening the epidemic was reviving social tensions under the exterior for almost two years.
The first front is that of salary demands at RATP, in a context of a rise in inflation that INSEE provides around more than 3% over this first semester. The choice of 18 February corresponds to the day of negotiations on wages in 2022. Sign that management expects a severe conflict, a deamoring meeting took place on Monday, February 14 with the trade union organizations in the presence of the RATP group DRH , Jean Agulhon. In fact deamoring, this has been mainly a dialogue of deaf, the management announcing an average increase of 2.7% for 2022, figure that the unions have strongly challenged.
“The provocation of too much” / H2>
“The meeting went wrong. The HRD is mainly called us with irresponsible, relates Bertrand Hammache, Secretary General of the CGT-RATP, the first union of the company. This increase of 2.7% c is an average. If you get Bill Gates into a room full of smicongs, on average everyone becomes a billionaire. No, the real figure is 0.4% increase for all. “” The power of Purchase employees melted in ten years, adds ALOASE, Secretary-General of UNSA-RATP, the third group’s third union. Now we see young hired leave after three months because they will gain more at Mcdo. “
In the face, the direction tries to convince the consistency of its salary policy. According to an internal mail sent to employees that Le Monde could consult, the company states that “the average remuneration of staff in place increased by 23.8% between 2012 and 2021, much beyond the pace of the inflation (+ 7.8%). And she points out that she is about, between various types of increases and incentive, to “redistribute” 100 million euros to agents in 2022.
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