Google presented Chrome OS Flex suitable for installation on any equipment

Google introduced Operating system chrome OS Flex , which is a new version of Chrome OS, intended for use on regular computers, and not just on the originally supplied with Chrome OS devices, such as Chromebook, Chromebase and Chromebox. As the main applications of Chrome OS Flex, the modernization of already existing old systems is mentioned to extend their life cycle, reduce costs (for example, you do not need to pay for OS and additional software, such as antiviruses), improving infrastructure security and unification of the software used in companies and educational institutions.

System comes free of charge, and Source Texts distributed under the free APACHE 2.0 license. Currently, experimental assemblies are offered for initial testing, which have versions status for developers and affordable only after filling out Registration Form . For several months, it is planned to release the first stable Release of Chrome OS FLEX, suitable for ubiquitous use.

For deploying Chrome OS FLEX can be used to load over a network or load from a USB drive. At the same time, it is first proposed to try out the new system without replacing the previously installed OS, booting from a USB drive in Live mode. After evaluating the suitability of the new solution, you can to replace the available OS via the network or from a USB drive. All user-specific settings and applications are synchronized at the first input.

The product is created using the employment of the company purchased in 2020 Neverware , which produced the CLOUDREADY distribution, representing Sercore Chromium OS for outdated equipment and devices, originally not equipped Chrome OS. During the inquiry, the Google promised to integrate the work of CloudReady in the main composition of Chrome OS. The result of the work done was the editorial office of Chrome OS Flex, which will be supported similar to the support of Chrome OS. CLOUDREADY Distribution Users will be able to update their systems to Chrome OS Flex.

/Media reports.