The Party of the Party of the Navy Presidential Candidate Le Pen accuses her campaign spokesman for transmitting strategic information to the Eric Zemmour team.
Le Monde with AFP
The national gathering (RN) has not finished with the defections and departures of its ranks. As he let a doubt on “what he would do in a month”, the MEP and executive member of the RN Nicolas Bay was suspended, Tuesday, February 15, his duties within the party for transmitting information At the Rival of Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour, whom he plans to join, announced the party management.
“We had confirmation that Nicolas Bay, taking advantage of his presence in the highest instances of the campaign, transmits strategic and confidential elements for months to our direct competitor Eric Zemmour. (…) The Executive Board of the RN A Take the decision to suspend it from its campaign carrier, as well as all its other responsibilities, “wrote the executive office (direction) of the RN in a message to the executives of the movement, evoking a” real sabotage “.
“coarse charge”
The spokesperson for the Third Presidential Campaign of Marine Le Pen reacted on Twitter, denouncing “a coarse charge: not participating in any instance of the campaign management, how could I have known and transmit so as” information ” strategic “!” “
Just one hour after asking for an executive desk discussion, I’m suspended!
The accusation is gr … //p>- nicolasbay_ (@nicolas bay)
Campaign of” sabotage “internally
At a press conference in Villers-Cottets (Aisne) at midday, Marine Le Pen denounced a “sabotage campaign” to the national gathering. A hollow comment addressed to the elected officials who have rallied Eric Zemmour and a reference to the doubts that leaves on his departure Nicolas Bay, until then a member of the party’s party and spokesperson.
M me Le Pen has “asked those who operate the sluggish strategy to accelerate their departure”. “I call it the strategy of the slug, not only because the slug is slow but also because it is sticky,” she wrote.
“A number, in fact, have made real sabotage campaigns internally, and that is unforgivable,” continued the NR candidate, before adding:
“The start can be forgiven but sabotage, which consists of staying weeks and weeks in instances, at the nuclear heart of the organization of a presidential campaign, to obtain information on this campaign and incidentally in Some cases transmit them to a political competitor, I consider that it’s high betrayal. “
The voltage was mounted by a notch in the ranks of the party, at the end of January, after holding a television duplex at which Mr. Bay had shown hesitantly as to his best support for Eric Zemmour. If the MEP of the RN had assured “unambiguous” Marine Le Pen, he had sowed doubt by launching: “I do not have to justify myself about what I will do in a month, six months or a year. ( …) I do not consider that Eric Zemmour is an enemy. “
M me Le Pen faces several defections in recent weeks for the benefit of the former polemicist, including those of MEPs Gilbert Collard and Jérôme Rivière, and the Senator of the RN and elected Bouches -Du-Rhône, Stéphane Ravier.