Manifestations against sanitary measures in Canada: Washington accentuates pressure on Justin Trudeau

US President Joe Biden asked the Canadian Prime Minister to restore order while road drivers block a crucial border bridge for trade between the two countries.


The Canadian trucker crisis overflows from the country’s national borders: the United States now Ottawa to find a conflict outcome. After a first warning of the White House, Thursday, February 10, asking Canada to employ “federal powers” to put an end to the movement of truckers, the US President Joe Biden had, the next day, the opportunity to To share with Justin Trudeau during a telephone interview, concern and “serious consequences” for the United States of the actions of protesters at the border between the two countries. The Canadian Prime Minister agreed with him “that the blockages needed”.

US injunctions, unusual, back to order, are born of direct threats that truckers have now weigh on the US economy: since February 7, the movement, self-proclaimed “convoys of freedom” paralyzes the Circulation around several border posts, between Manitoba and North Dakota, Alberta and Montana, but especially on the Ambassador Bridge connecting the Ontario City of Windsor to Detroit (Michigan).

This bridge is the neuralgic heart of trade between the two countries, with the equivalent each day of more than $ 300 million (265 million euros) of exchanged goods, and the nerve of the war for all the automobile giants installed on each side of the border. The blockade has already affected a dozen auto factories of Ford, Toyota or General Motors, who had to slow down or stop, in Canada and the United States, their production chains, lack of parts to assemble.

The Prime Minister of Ontario, the Conservative Doug Ford was the first to react at the US pressure stroke, declaring, from February 11, in the morning, “the state of emergency” in his province, where Located the Ambassador Bridge and the Federal Capital, Ottawa, paralyzed since January 29th. It must make a very quickly adopt a decree making it unlawful to prevent “the free movement of goods and persons”, under penalty of fines of up to 100,000 Canadian dollars (70,000 euros) and the risk of being inflict up to one year imprisonment. A few hours later, a court of Ontario ordered the lifting of the blocking. At the end of the day, Friday, a pathway had been temporarily released on the Ambassador Bridge by the truckers; But no police intervention had been conducted.

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/Media reports.