COVID-19: port of domestic mask assembled as of February 28

It will no longer be mandatory in the closed places submitted to the vaccinal pass, such as restaurants, cinemas or museums, but it remains in transport. The circulation of the virus slows down, but not enough to abandon barrier gestures, however, prevent epidemiologists.

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This is a new step in the calendar of sanitation restrictions. As of February 28, the mask will no longer be mandatory in the closed places submitted to the vaccinal pass, announced the Ministry of Health Olivier Véran, Friday, February 11, arguing “the improvement of the sanitary situation”. A decision based on a review of the High Public Health Council issued on February 11. Note that transportation and closed places not submitted to the pass, such as businesses, are not affected by this ad.

The wearing of the mask was already no longer compulsory outdoors since February 2nd. At the end of February, so it will be more in the institutions dedicated to leisure activities, restaurants, cinemas, museums … who today require a pass at the entrance. At that date, France has recorded “four weeks of continuous incidence”, says Ségur Street.

Not surprisingly, this announcement was hailed by professionals of culture. “It’s good news, the signal that can be resuming a normal life. It will allow our audience to come back more massively in the rooms”, wants to believe Marc-Olivier Sebbag, General Delegate of the National Federation of French Cinemas . The situation of the operators remains very critical: since the beginning of the year, the number of entries has a decline of 45% compared to the same period of 2019.

“Every week, between people tested positive and contact cases, you have five million French people who can not go to the cinema. If you add the five million non-vaccinated, you understand why our attendance falls too Fort, “says Sebbag. As to whether the lifting of the mask duty may scare some spectators, professionals ensure that it will always be possible to come to the show or the cinema. “But it will be left to the free appreciation of each”.

The circulation of the virus remains high

Other relief deals with screening for people who have had a contact with a positive person. At the end of February, they will no longer have to realize only one test (self-test, antigenic test, or RT-PCR) to “J2”, or two days after being informed that they were contact. So far, it was necessary to realize three (at J0, J2 and J4).

These relaxation are announced while, on the sanitary front, “a slowdown in the circulation of SARS-COV-2 has been confirmed on the national territory” on the week of January 31st to February, public health France France (SPF). The incidence rate was then 2,449 cases per 100,000 population, “a 29% decrease” compared to the previous week. This decrease was observed in all regions and in all age groups, but less markedly in 60 years and over. “If a decline also appeared to begin at the level of the admissions at the hospital, the pressure was still high,” adds SPF. More recent figures, over 2 to 8 February, reveal an incidence rate of 1,964 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, down 37%. However, the circulation of the virus remains high, with 158,323 daily cases, on average, on the week of 4 to 11 February.

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/Media reports.