Cargo ship “Progress MS-19” was taken to starting complex

On the Baikonur cosmodrome, there are concluding consequences with the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket and the “Progress MS-19” cargo ship. On Saturday, February 12, 2022, the space destination rocket Soyuz-2.1A / Progress MS-19 was taken to the starting line of the site No. 31.

Transportation of the rocket from the installation and test case began at 05:30 Moscow time. After installing the rocket in the vertical position and information of the service columns on the starting range of the site No. 31, the specialists of subsidiaries of the state corporation “Roskosmos” began work on the schedule of the first starting day.

Today there are autonomous tests of systems and truck assemblies, carrier missiles and starting complex, then the final operations on the “zero” and a report on the results of the first start day.

“Progress MS-19” must deliver on the ISS 430 kg of fuel refueling, 420 liters of water in the pots of the Spring system, 40 kg of compressed nitrogen in cylinders, as well as about 1,600 kg of various equipment and materials in the cargo compartment, including On-board resource equipment of the Russian segment of the ISS, cable styling for the retrofitting of a multi-purpose laboratory module “Science”, medical control and sanitary facilities, clothing objects and standard diet for the crew members of the 66th main expedition.

/Media reports.