Ethiopia: UN number 2 denounces situation of women in regions at war

The civil war and famine in northern Ethiopia have “unimaginable” consequences, according to an on-site United Nations envoy, which claims Justice.

Le Monde with AFP

The Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Amina Mohammed, has no rather harsh words to qualify the situation of women in the regions of Ethiopia in conflict. Back from a trip to the Tigger, the Amhara, AFAR and Somali, the diplomat denounced, Friday, February 11, the horrors imposed on them, and claimed justice.

“Ethiopian women, in the broad sense, have been touched in an unimaginable way” and “in your worst nightmares, you can not imagine what happened to women in Ethiopia,” said the number two of the UN at a press conference, adding to seeing victims of “famine” during his stay.

For these horrors fueled by the war, “Everyone is to blame” and, at the XX I e century, it “is inadmissible that a human being can inflict (such sufferings) To another, “said Amina Mohammed, including the fate of a young woman raped in the eyes of his son three or four years old and now rejected by her husband, family and society.

“Justice must be rendered”

/Media reports.