ORPEA case: former general manager covered by an investigation for initiated offense

Demoned from his duties after the revelations of the book “The graves”, Yves The Masne is suspected of having restended shares for nearly 600,000 euros, three weeks after being informed of the publication of the work.

Le Monde with AFP

A preliminary investigation by the head of “insider trailer” was opened to study the resale of shares by the former general manager of the Orpea group, before the publication of a book that made scandal on abuse In EHPAD, said Monday, February 14, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office.

The chained duck had explained on February 2nd that the Masne, General Manager of the Group for more than ten years and recently limited, had rescued equities in July for nearly 600,000 euros, “only three weeks after the direction of ORPEA was informed of the next release of the book “Victor Castanet, the gravediggers.

Information that the former general manager refuted “strongly”. In a communiqué transmitted to the France-Presse Agency by his lawyer after the revelations of the duck, he ensures that the sale of “about one third of [his] shares” has “nothing to do with the book of M. Castanet, who did not create special worry for us. ” He did not have “no reason” to sell more actions, “having fully confidence in the future of society”.

“The middle of the summer is the period to which I usually sell actions, as shown by my previously published statements” and “I have always carried out my sales of shares in the authorized periods and makes all the statements regulations to the competent authorities “.

General Manager of Orpea for ten years, Yves Le Masne was limited on 30 January by the Orpea Board of Directors after these revelations. It has been replaced by Philippe Charrier.

/Media reports.