FIFA will not be subject to corporate tax in France

According to the information of the “World”, the activities of the Annex to the International Football Federation in Paris are considered “non-commercial and non-profit”. Employees, from Zurich, will not pay social security contributions in the hex for two years.


The tax status of the new Parisian Annex of the International Football Federation (FIFA) and its employees, settled at the Hotel de la Marine, Place de la Concorde in Paris, is a well-kept secret. According to the information of the world, however, FIFA will not be subject to corporate tax in France.

The pattern? Its activities carried out in the Hexagon are, in the eyes of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, “Non-commercial and non-profit”, as explains an end connoisseur of the project. “The Annex has no legal status, the unique legal personality being in Switzerland for the moment, develops the same source. FIFA will notify later if it seems preferable, useful or necessary to do more. So this fact. , there is no tax question on the structure of the annex. “

The Parisian Annex is supposed to welcome seventy employees of FIFA from Zurich, including those responsible for the Forward Development Program and governance and cooperation issues with African Federations. The return of part of the FIFA activities in Paris was negotiated as early as December 2018 by the President of the Emmanuel Macron Republic and the FIFA President, Gianni Infantino.

By installing some of its services in the Marine Hotel, a building built in the XVII e century and renovated partly thanks to Qatar funds, host country of the World Cup 2022 FIFA returned with its origins: created in 1904 in the French capital, it established its headquarters in Zurich, in 1932.

Status of worker detached

Initially, FIFA was considering transferring its marketing activities in France before being scalded, according to several sources, by “local taxation”. Non-Profit Association on the Canton Trade Register of Zurich, FIFA benefits from Switzerland, like other sports organizations established there: it is subject to a tax rate on the tax rate. profit of 12%.

Under a tax rescript negotiated with Bercy and the granting of the status of seconded worker, the seventy employees of the Parisian office of FIFA from Zurich will not pay their social contributions in France and retain their protection. social in Switzerland for two years. This stated worker status also applies to French FIFA employees from Zurich. On the other hand, the new French employees recruited to work in the Paris Annex will be submitted to the French tax and social regime.

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/Media reports.