Nordahl Lelandais, a perverse, narcissistic personality and without affect, according to experts

Psychologists and a psychiatrist parade at the helm, Monday, the Assize Court of Isère to enlighten the personality of the accused, who killed Maës de Araujo, 8 years, in 2017.


Monday, February 14, at the time of the Nordahl Lelandais trial, judged at the Assize Court of Isère for the murder of Maëlys de Araujo on August 27, 2017, psychologists and A psychiatrist have succeeded the bar. What is behind the carapace of this man already condemned for the murder of Arthur Walnut in May 2021, author of the murder of an 8-year-old girl and sexual aggression on two cousins ​​aged 4 and 6 years?

They are a dozen psychologists and psychiatrists to have relayed himself with the accused in 2018 and in 2019. Magali delights, psychologist-clinician, examined him six times. First of all in February 2018, before Lelandais confesses the murder of Maëlys, then after. In the first visits, Nordahl Lelandais evokes a course without too much rump. A childhood with a father absent but that he admires, and a mother who ideals it. Speaking of his education, he has this comparison: “A dog, he is taught. When he knows how to do, he is rewarded, otherwise he is reprimanded.”

According to the expert, Nordahl Lelandais works on a “robot” mode. Without affect. He struggles to perceive the reality as it is and the story he is always on his advantage. Thus, when it is oriented in class of 4 e towards an institution for students in difficulty, he explains that he joined a sport-study college. To hear it, if there is not it, it is not because of its behavior but because it is disappointed with the teaching given to it.

“Little conscious of its vulnerabilities “

In the same way, he assures having been a “pretty good student”, while he did not graduate at the end of his schooling. The same when it comes to his passage to the army as a dog master. It enters under the flags in 2001. Three years later, while it is reformed P4 (personality disorders that cause incompatibility with the continuation of the commitment) by the military doctors, he claims to be on the initiative of His breach of contract – while it’s nothing.

In truth, note, Nordahl Lelandais evolves in “very great instability”. On the professional level – it multiplies small jobs, interim periods and disease stops – only emotional. “He has early emotional deficiencies,” said M me delight. It is in a very strong emotional dependence, unaware of his vulnerabilities. “He conceives his emotional life” with a buoy of women “. The meetings are linked but, according to the psychologist, Nordahl Lelandais is not “a collector”. “He feels threatened by the risk of loss”, so he reassures with two or three companions at the same time – “In case … he owes” Switcher “- it’s his term – with a Other “.

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/Media reports.