ChemS-Eddine Hafiz: “Only ballot can stop hate gear against Muslims”

Tribune. I speak to all citizens who think that hope can make us better. I believe in our common destiny. Our strength is in our common values. All that goes against our coexistence is a danger for our future and the generations that will succeed us. Our children will blame us our selfishness if we continue to ignore all the signs of concern that come from the political scene. They will ask us for explanations about our passivity and we will only have bonuses to serve them. Their judgment for us will be ruthless. They will say that we let it do.

I’m worried.

Extreme speeches are more and more present in the public debate. Since my arrival at the Great Mosque of Paris, I have publicly recalled that the amalgam between Islam and Islamism first sanctioned Muslims practicing a religion of peace and fraternity. I participated in the public debate and did not hesitate to take my pen to publish the Manifesto against Islamist terrorism in September (Ed. Erick Bonnier, 2021). I accused without detour the manipulators of Islamism that lead to Islam in the shadows and push some Muslims to take refuge there. But they are not the only extremists to disavow.

Today, I pray that our fellow citizens of Muslim confession continue to live as the children of a protective republic, does not displease some speakers who have no other competence than a polemicist and hateful phraseology . The latter want to settle in our minds on behalf of our safety or a fantasy identity.

Risk of abstention

No, is not a politician who claims. At best, we are dealing with poorly intentioned intruders entered in our breakdown lives. At worst, it is mutants with a ravaging epidemic that nothing will stop, not even the show of chaos and desolation. In moments of resignation, doubt and fear, humans can switch into error or even horror. Thus, since the night of time. What do we have as a response to this determined nuisance to fracture? A renunciation of politics in what it has nobler and a risk of abstention that will strengthen the ranks of the mutants watching the least of our crafts.

So I’m doubly worried.

I will not be sure. In such circumstances, silence is a form of complicity. The silence of honest citizen also becomes an asset serving the mutants of the policy. How can one claim the supreme judiciary and fracturing its own population? How to want to direct a country and induce public opinion in error and professing counter-truths on the loyalty of Muslims? What purpose ? The personality that embodies the presidency must be unifying, loving and reassuring. She must teach us to trust us, not to be wary of each other.

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