Endometriosis: government details its strategy to fight disease

The main objective of this strategy presented by Olivier Véran, Monday, February 14, is to reduce the diagnostic wandering of the patients and inform about this disease still poorly known which nevertheless affects nearly one in ten women.


“This is not a problem of women. It’s a society problem.” That’s how Emmanuel Macron announced on 11 January the launch of a national endometriosis strategy, a disease Inflammatory and chronicle of the female genital system that affects nearly one in ten women, between 1.5 and 2.5 million people. Monday, February 14, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, officially presented the main axes of this strategy. Objective: To better know, diagnose and take charge of the disease.

Nearly 200 experts, patient associations, health professionals and researchers involved in endometriosis, were consulted to develop an action plan over the coming years, reports the government. This strategy, whose execution is piloted by the General Directorate of the Care Offer and which associates the ministries of national education, research and higher education, work or equality between the Men and women, comes in three components that include research, diagnosis and access to care, as well as communication on that pathology.

Reduce the diagnostic delay

Major problem related to endometriosis, the diagnostic wandering of patients. This delay rises on average at seven years and may result in irreversible evolution of the disease, especially since no curative treatment exists for the moment. The Ministry of Health promises to “guarantee a quick diagnosis and access to quality care throughout the territory”. For this, France will create territorial sectors dedicated to endometriosis in each region, by 2023. These structures aim to “inform citizens, train professionals, diagnose endometriosis, announce this diagnosis” and , finally, “organize the customized care of each patient accordingly”. Regional centers for the most serious forms of the disease must also see the light of day.

Concerning the financial care of the disease, the state ensures the “improve”. Yet endometriosis will not be registered on the list of long-term conditions (ALD 30). The National Assembly unanimously voted for this recognition, January 13th. “Today, recognition in ALD 30 can not be justified for all forms of endometriosis, including asymptomatic forms,” ​​says the department. The latter recalls, however, that the patients suffering from “disabling forms” of the disease can benefit from an exemption under ALD 31 (off-list affection). “In 2020, there are more than 6,800 women who benefited from this exemption,” he says.

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/Media reports.