Presidential 2022: Eric Zemmour Valerie Pécresse attack to convince voters on right

The Republican candidate, who will hold a meeting on the Zenith of Paris on Sunday, was described by the far-right candidate of technocrat “right center [who] would not be better” than Emmanuel Macron.

Le Monde with AFP

The far-right candidate intends to hunt as much on the lands of Republicans (LR) and on those of the National Gathering (RN). During a meeting held in front of more than three thousand people in Saulieu (Côte-d’Or), Saturday, February 12, Eric Zemmour attacked with virulence his rival Valérie Pécresse, arguing that his “right center will not be worth better than the Left Center of Emmanuel Macron “. The RECONQUEST LEADER! thus urged the voters on the right to make the right choice in the first round, “between saving the LRs or save the nation”, and met methodically at M me pecresse, depressed in centrist technocrat dependent.

According to the fifth wave of the Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey conducted in partnership with the Sciences Po Political Research Center (CEVIPOF) and the Jean Jaurès Foundation for Le Monde, the LR candidate (15.5%), That of the National Gathering (RN), Marine Le Pen (15%) and Mr. Zemmour (14.5%) are in a pocket handkerchief for second round accession facing the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron. The challenge for the extreme right candidate is therefore to divert the most voters as possible from his two rivals, less than two months of the first round of the presidential election.

His attacks on the candidate LR are not the result of chance: M me is holding on Sunday, his first great campaign meeting. Planned at the Zenith of Paris, the rally aims to revive the candidate, who struggles to convince in the field. She also wipes internal critics on her supposed lack of dynamism and incarnation.

His party is affected in recent days by cascading defections for Mr. Macron – Eric Woerth, Natacha Bouchart and Nora Berra (Ex-Lr, former Secretary of State of Nicolas Sarkozy) announced this week to support the Head of State to his re-election next April. In January, it’s the rallying to Mr. Zemmour of the one who was then the number two of the party, Guillaume Peltier, who had shaken his political family. Weakened, M me pecresse is therefore a priority target for the far-right candidate.

Targeted attacks on its economic and social program

To mark its differences with the candidate LR, Mr. Zemmour took, on Saturday, at his economic and social program, considering, for example, that increases the small wages of 10% – proposal on which the candidate returned – would be a “left measurement par excellence!”. “What are the consequences? A decline in hiring, so an increase in unemployment, therefore an increase in taxes, so a decline in purchasing power. It is the quadruple sentence,” he wrote.

About the objective of building 500,000 homes per year set by the current president of the Ile-de-France region to promote homeownership, it would be able, on the contrary, according to Mr. Zemmour, to “cover the country of social housing” and to make “each village a” 9-3 “miniature”, pejorative allusion to the department of Seine-Saint-Denis. “No, Valérie Pécresse is not right”, thus affirmed the former polemicist, also denouncing the candidate’s migratory policy, whose name was brought at that time by the public.

“With Valérie Pécresse, you will not have Zemmour, thus alerted the candidate. You will not even have a half of Zemmour. You will have a mask plated on the face of technocracy.” Comparing “the right center “From M me pecresse to the” left center “of the President of the Republic, which he qualifies as candidates” mirrors “, he added about them:” It will be the same cowardice, the same zigzags , the same hypocrisy, the same abandonment of all principles. “

During its meeting, focused on rurality, the candidate also presented his measures on this theme, the “birth scholarship” of 10,000 euros paid to “every rural family for the birth of a new child “Security, through the” reintegrated national forestry fund “, created in 1946 and arrested in 2000.

/Media reports.