Issue library to create graphic interfaces SLINT 0.2

With output version 0.2 Tulkat for creating graphic interfaces Sixtyfps Purpose Slint . The reason for renaming was Critica users of Sixtyfps names, which led to confusion and ambiguity when sending requests to search engines, and Also did not reflect the purpose of the project. The new title was chosen during the Discussion with the community on GitHub, in which users offered new names.

Library Authors (Olivier Goffart and Simon Hausmann) Former KDE developers, later transferred to Trolltech to work on Qt, now founded their company, developing Slint. One of the objectives of the project is to provide the possibility of working with minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources (for work there are several hundred kilobytes RAM). Two backendes are available for drawing – GL based on OpenGL ES 2.0 and QT, using QT QStyle.

Supports the creation of interfaces in programs in RUST, C ++, and JavaScript. The library’s authors have developed a special layout language “.slint”, which is compiled into the native code for the selected platform. It is possible to test the language in online editor or familiarize yourself with Examples , collecting them yourself. The library code is written in C ++ and Rust languages, and extends under the license GPLv3 or Commercial license , allowing use in proprietary products without opening code.

/Media reports.