COVID-19: In schools, a first step towards return to normal

The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, unveiled Friday, February 11, a relief of the health rules after the winter holidays. The brewing will be limited by level, not by class.

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Relief is to put in the educational community. After the beginning of the year 2022 rendering chaotic by the Omicron wave, a thinning looks on the epidemic front and, with it, a relief of the health protocol in force in schools.

Jean-Michel Blanquer announced this Friday 11 February, the transition from level 3 to level 2 (on 4) of the protocol in the primary schools at the return of the school holidays of each zone – either between February 21 and 7 March. With this relief, the obligation of the port of the outdoors ends, the brewing are limited by level and no more by class, the sports sessions can again be practiced indoors. Colleges and high schools, where a majority of students are vaccinated, are at the same level since the beginning of the year. They do not change.

The screening policy will evolve, as of February 28. Students, such as staff, will no longer have to realize only one self-test to J + 2 (instead of three to J0, J + 2 and J + 4), when they are contact. The attestation on the honor that was required at the end of this test marathon will no longer be required for families as early as 21 February. These decisions were made in accordance with the opinion of the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) to “align what is happening in school and general population”.

Doubts of epidemiologists

“The sanitary situation is very clear, even better than what was expected, justified Mr. Blanquer at a press point. If I look at the figures of January 25, who represent a peak for the school situation, we had 167,000 cases a day. Thursday [10 February], we were at 12,500 cases. “The same Thursday, the Ministry of National Education identified on seven consecutive days 146 350 cases of Vis- 19 among the students, and 12,300 among the staff, with a geographical area already on vacation. At this date, 5,907 classes were closed.

If the trade union organizations are cautious about the epidemic context, they declare themselves rather satisfied to anticipate the return. “We need these relief so that the school is better,” says Guislaine David, spokesperson for the main primary school union, the SNUIPP-FSU. The end of the certificates on the honor will allow, she says, to reduce the workload of teachers and principals. “With the test at J + 2, we will no longer be in the emergency room to report”, also rejoices Stéphane Hook, from SE-UNSA. Catherine Nave-Bekhti, the SGEN-CFDT, nevertheless warns: “The deployment of CO 2 Sensors must continue to measure the quality of the air in the places where there will be more Brewing. ”

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