Belgium announces end of several measures to combat CVIV-19

Reflux of the fifth wave makes it possible to delete the mask for children under 12 years old and an opening without limitation of shops.


The Belgian company was impatient and the policies seemed relieved, Friday, February 11, announcing that, from the end of next week, the country would have a clear relaxation of measures to stem the Pandemic of Covid-19. “We do not release everything and we move gradually,” said Prime Minister Alexander de Croo. A cautious purpose, intended to respect the different sensibilities that were manifested among those responsible, but accompanied by an optimistic message: “We took a huge step.”

Several decisions, in fact, mark the reflux of the fifth wave, which had been confirmed in the morning by the health authorities. Cafes and restaurants will no longer have to respect an imposed hour of closing, all public events – inside and out – will be possible again and the nightlife will also resume with the reopening of clubs and discos. Night shops will also be able to remain open without restriction and purchases will no longer know any limitation.

In schools, children aged 6 to 12 should no longer wear the mask, which will, on the other hand, remain compulsory for the greatest. Many teachers demanded a widespread lifting of this more and more harmful measure, according to them, for learning.

Recommended telework

Finally, teleworking is, now, simply “recommended” and no longer mandatory. The patronat hoped for a complete lifting of the measure, but it is pleased to have been partly heard. “This decision will reconnect with the company, but also to recreate social bond with colleagues, which was a strong expectation, advanced by many collaborators for their balance and mental health,” said Friday the Union Walloon of companies. The employers’ organizations promise, in any case, to those who accommodated very well of distance work “a reflection at the level of each company”.

If some officials proposed to abandon the use of the healthcare, the Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, resisted. The pass will remain mandatory to go to the show or restaurant, and to participate in an external activity bringing together more than one hundred people. From March, it will also be more valid for those who have been vaccinated for more than five months and will not have received a third dose of vaccine, the “booster”. A third dose ensures, on the other hand, a pass of an unlimited duration.

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/Media reports.