New public aid for cinema and living show

The state is committed to continuing to support these two sectors of culture, weakened in recent months by CIVID-19 and sanitary restrictions.

Le Monde with AFP

The living show and cinema will continue to be supported by the state, announced the government, Friday, February 11th. Several aid devices to these sectors affected by the sanitary restrictions measures put in place at the fifth VVID-19 wave, will thus be reactivated.

Among them, “a specific compensation device” will partially charge “the loss of turnover throughout the restriction period” caused by the prohibition of drinks and confectionery in the premises culturally affirms the government in a statement.

“The National Cinema Center (CNC), the National Music Center (CNM) and the Private Theater Support Association (ASTP), which will manage this system, will benefit from 14 million support. euros “, is it specified.

will be reactivated “Sectoral support devices carried by the CNM and the ASTP”, to “consider both cancellations of shows related to this new episode of the epidemic and measures of health restraint,” Knowing the gauge limitation in force until February 2 and the prohibition of concerts in standing configuration applied until February 16th.

The authors, whose copyrights have been reduced when their works could not be played because of the health situation, will benefit from devices also reactivated.

Several artistic and cultural employment support devices will also be extended until July 31st. To know “artistic employment assistance in the rooms of small gauges (APAJ) and the unique assistance to the cdi or cdd in the living show of the National Fund for Perenntened Employment in the show”.

/Media reports.