Pôle emploi indicates in a publication of February 10 in 2021 only 6% of recruitments were abandoned for lack of adequate candidates.
Economic recovery would be accompanied by particularly acute recruitment difficulties. A note from the Banque de France alerted in the fall on labor shortages. “I meet only business leaders who have recruitment problems,” said Medef President Geoffroy Roux of Bézieux. “All entrepreneurs tell me peiner to recruit. At the moment when three million of our compatriots are still unemployed, this situation strikes the common sense,” said the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, during his November television speech 2021.
While this astonishment regularly runs the public debate, a study published Thursday, February 10 per Pôle Emploi makes it possible to give the discussion an encrypted base and to break the shortcuts too fast: the share of the offers not provided for lack of candidates It remains “limited”, their number has increased only very slightly since the last similar survey in 2018, and the reasons why they have not been filled are complex.
Nearly six out of ten companies sought to recruit between April and September 2021, and 16% sought to recruit more than before the crisis, accurate immediately Pôle emploi. For his investigation, the public agency became interested in the future of “closed” offers, that is to say, who were withdrawn from his lists, regardless of the reason, between June and September, 2021.
“A feeling of feeling”
It appears first that 85.9% of these offers have been provided. Although employers are more numerous (68%) than in 2018 (57%) to declare having encountered “difficulties”. “But it is also a matter of feeling, the appreciation of the employer, says Stéphane Ducatez, Director of Performance Studies at Pôle Emploi. If you are head of a TPE [very small business], you miss D experience and time to recruit, it does not happen overnight. “
The brakes are of various origins. Lack of qualification or specific training, Fort Turn-over requiring permanent searches to offset departures, unattractive working conditions, geographical inadequate (the jobseeker is in Bordeaux, the offer in Marseille).
To find two-thirds of the interviewed employers indicate to have expanded their research to different profiles, reducing their requirements in terms of experience, level or field of training. One third has increased the proposed remuneration, a third party has proposed better working conditions. At the end of the day, 781,000 offers were satisfied at the 3 e quarter 2021. “In no case a difficulty does not prejudge the outcome of recruitment,” says Ducatez. Hiring ends with To be done and in the correct deadlines but not in the conditions imagined at the start “. In half of the cases the position was provided in less than 45 days; In three quarters of cases, in less than three months (92 days), faster than in 2018 (105 days).
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