Baikonur’s cosmodrome Specialists of subsidiaries of the state corporation Roscosmos completed the overall assembly of the Soyuz-2.1A / 2.1A / Progress of the MS-19. On February 15, 2022, she will have to withdraw a truck “Progress MS-19” with 2.5 tons of cargo for the crew of the 66th expedition to the International Space Station.
On Friday, February 10, at the first stage of the work, a docking of the cosmic head (with a “truck” under the fairing of the fairing) with the third stage of the Soyuz-2.1A carrier missile, then this assembly was dragged to the “package” of the carrier ( The first and second steps). Upon completion of the mechanical assembly, electrical connections and checks of the collected missile were carried out.
Earlier, the State Commission decided to export the Soyuz-2.1A carrier missile with the MS-19 Progress Cargo Ship on the Baikonur Sports Starter. The export of Space Rocket Soyuz-2.1A / Progress MS-19 will be held in the morning on Saturday, February 12, 2022. After delivery to the starting complex, it will be installed in the starting device, and after the information of the service columns, the specialists of the state corporation “Roskosmos” will hold work on the first starting day schedule.